
Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Escape In The Rebellion

This is yet another fan art piece I created for Inhonoredglory and Toothlesslove's web novel. I posted it on Tumblr a while ago, but I believe I forgot to put it here. I am not sure... but either this piece or Toothless's Vengeance may be my darkest HTTYD art pieces. Probably the other one. Anyway, this one is somewhat intentionally stylized and dramatic, but it is in the middle ground between my most stylized images and my more realistic attempts. The fire was particularly tricky, but it was very fun to play around with. As usual, the image will be bigger if you open it in a new window.

If you have not read the web novel, I would highly recommend it. I don't do fan art for most fan fictions, but that thing has really provoked me to make a lot of paintings! Here is a link to the site if you want to read it:

So, to try and keep this spoiler free, I'll just say that this image comes from the most recent chapter posted. Things were looking horribly, horribly bleak, and Hiccup was about to face execution. Toothless rushes in to try and save him, and the dragon is wounded by arrows in the process. Hiccup is too weak and hurt to work the foot pedal, and so all he can do is cling to Toothless and beg the dragon to run. Toothless does, and they are pursued. Then... as if things could not get any worse, a dragon rebellion that had been brewing in the air for ages finally broke loose. Fire and death pores out on the island as hundreds of dragons free themselves and attack their captors. Hiccup and Toothless are lost in all of this, injured, exhausted, hunted on an enemy island, and surrounded by the flames of the rebellion. I am completely terrified to think what the future chapters may hold, but at least both Hiccup and Toothless are finally free! I certainly hope it stays that way because they have been capture and hurting for so long. Maybe, just maybe, there is a ray of hope that they can grasp.

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