
Wednesday, November 6, 2013

The Gemlord Speaks His Mind

Alrighty! Next Dsplash Chronicle. This is another short one. Again, if you want to read it, just click the "read more" link below. This gives you a very good idea of what the motives of the Gemnodes are. You may remember them from the first Chronicle I posted. The Gemnodes are original characters to this story, and they are the main antagonists. For ten years Hiccup and the other characters knew practically nothing about them, but as Hiccup began to look into their motives, he saw that these beings are truly evil and dangerous. So, anyway, this a Chronicle that will give you a good view of their plans. Enjoy.

Dimension Splash Chronicles
Event: The Gemlord Speaks his mind
Pov: Gemlord
Time: Year 9 of Hiccup’s existence in the game

     Recent events worried him. He was the Gemlord, the supreme leader of the of the Gemnodes, the ruler of the Dimension Splash world, and he was not a being to be worried easily. Still...this boy, this odd little viking, why would he not play by the rules? The Gemlord liked to imagine that he and his fellows were above any sort of needs, but he knew deep down that he needed the abducted ones to play his game. 
     It seemed an eternity back, and yet he could remember it with vivid accuracy. That was one advantage of never aging. He and his fellows had been brought into being, created from nothing, and they had been given the ability and privilege of being able to travel to any dimension of their choice. Their purpose? To explore these many worlds and enjoy them for the wonders they contained. At first all went well, but something went awry in the Center World, something to do with man. It took the Gemnodes a while to notice it, but they began to see things in dimensions they had not seen before: wickedness, violence, rebellion against the Creator. At first they felt that they were above it all, that they would never consider acting in such vile ways, but they could not help their own nature. Power was calling them, and they could only resist it for so long. All they needed was a tiny excuse, and they would be pushed over the edge.
     The excuse came, and its effects on the minds of the Gemnodes were rapid and drastic. One of their own, one of the twenty five Gemnodes to have been created, was killed in the Center World. He had been caught up in some sort of cataclysmic natural disaster, and though he was powerful, the sheer force of the events ground his crystalline body to powder. The twenty four remaining Gemnodes would soon discover their loss, and great would be their grief. For one who would never age to taste death was a bitter, cruel fate. Soon the Gemlord turned from grief to rage. Gemnodes were not blessed as much of the rest of creation, for they could not reproduce. They would never age, but what of this, what of violent death, how could they protect themselves? The Gemlord had an answer, and his companions would follow him without question. He was to become omnipotent, he was to ensure that he and the other Gemnodes were indestructible, and more than that, he would make the worlds pay for what they had done. If the Creator of these worlds had allowed them to fall and allowed his companion to die, then what kind of ruler was He? No, the Gemlord would soon rule, and he would keep all worlds in an iron grip. The call of power had reached the Gemlord’s heart, and he would answer it, he would strive after deity.

     His method was brilliant. He and the other Gemnodes searched through dimensions until they found one that would suit their purpose. The Gemnodes’ strengths would vary from dimension to dimension, but this one was perfect. They were massively powerful, and they quickly subdued the world to their way of working. This world also had the beautiful property of regeneration, so characters could never die. The first step of the plan was complete, and now the real danger began. The Gemlord would need characters from every conceivable world, and not just any characters, he needed warriors. He sent his companions off into the other worlds with the purpose of abducting individuals and bringing them into this new dimension. It was tricky work, and much to the Gemlord’s sorrow, three more Gemnodes would taste death while trying to abduct characters from their own worlds and pull them into this new dimension. The Gemlord on the other hand would be busy creating the crux of the whole system: Power Gems.

     The Power Gems would serve to make any character holding them stronger. They would be the currency of this world. Enough gems would allow a character to unlock powerful attacks in order to defend themselves or overpower others. When beings were brought into this world, chances were that they would be extremely weakened. The Gemnodes would share some of their strength in these Power Gems, and so the character with the most gems would be the most powerful. It was a brilliant use of this dimension’s properties, for in this world outside characters would be weakened, but the Gemnodes would nearly wield limitless power. Yet this was not the goal, no, the goal was to rule all dimensions, so what was the point of this scheme? The Power Gems were a trap. Though they made a character stronger, they also gave the Gemnode that character’s unique abilities. Every move unlocked by the gems would not only be accessible to the one character, for the Gemlord could now also use the move. When he first started, he could not read minds, but as soon as a character used his gems to read another’s thoughts, he too would gain the ability. He would collect the greatest warriors from all dimensions, he would give them gems and force them into a world of violence. When they gained more power, they would simply be aiding him. All of it was ridiculously easy, and the fools would soon see the Gemnodes as benevolent beings who gave them more of what they wanted. The violent system would also quickly pick out the cream of the crop because the strongest characters would hold the most gems. As long as conflict escalated, characters would desire more gems in order to make themselves more powerful. The system was perfect, flawless, and soon the Gemnodes would be powerful enough to attack and dominate any world. What had started out as grief over the loss of one of their own had turned into a frenzied rush for omnipotence. Gemnodes were once beautiful creatures with wise and pure minds, but now, now they felt a sadistic joy as they easily defeated, mauled, killed and mutilated the strongest beings from any world they chose. Their challenge fights were just a tiny taste of what they would have some day, ultimate power in any dimension. For now, they would enjoy glutting on it here, but one day, one day they would rule all, and no one would ever be able to stand against them. They would exist and rule forever, and death would be a laughable concept.

     That is why the Gemlord was worried. This system was too brilliant to be compromised. He had already at least tripled in power, and he was not going to stop there. Why would this boy, this Hiccup not play along? Instead of seeking power and helping the powerful, the boy sought after what was right and fought for those he loved no matter their level. It was an extreme annoyance, and annoyances would not be tolerated. Worst of all, this boy was logical, he was smart, and he was not fooled by the Gemnodes’ veneer of goodness and benevolence. He was starting to pry into their affairs, starting maybe even to guess what was going on, and that could not be allowed to happen. Unless something changed, unless that boy was willing to conform to the rest of the world and forget goodness and peace, he would be marked for death, and in this dimension there would be nothing the boy could do to avoid his own destruction. The plan would not be exposed, the characters would be kept in the dark, and unless this Hiccup, this boy who was living up to his name as an annoyance and a fluke, unless he stopped being so ridiculously convicted, he would die, and the Gemnode who killed him would relish the act.

1 comment:

  1. This page truly has all the info I wanted concerning this subject and didn't know who to
