
Friday, November 22, 2013

Stark's Last Stand

This is another Dsplash Chronicle, and it is fairly short and relatively random! It kind of jumps away from the main characters and main events and shows you that really bad things are also happening to other people who have been abducted. This one will probably be completely confusing, so if you have questions, I can answer them in the comments. This is actually happening because of the actions of Link, Astrid, Tabuu, and Toothless, so it is sort of relevant to the overall story.

Dimension Splash Chronicles
Event: Stark’s Last Stand
Pov: Tony Stark
Time: Year 10.1 of Hiccup and Link’s existence in the game

     “AH! Good to see you!” The President of America walked up to Stark with his hand outstretched in greeting. Stark kept his hands stuffed in his pockets and eyed the overly eager Commander and Chief.

     “Yeah, about that. I am extremely busy right now, and getting called to secret chamber meetings in the middle of my projects is not my style.” Stark whipped out his phone and began to text something as the President stepped back a in slight shock at Stark’s curtness. Still... something dark twisted into the Presidents mind and forced him to focus. He cleared his throat and said, “About that project, is it going well? I need it to be finished on schedule.”

     “Well you calling me right in the middle of production isn’t exactly helping, but relax! I’ll have it done. You know me, team player, good with employees and money. Can’t see why you’ve called me here in the first place.”

     “Oh yes, I should explain.” The President walked up even closer to Stark, and his voice lowered in importance. “It is about the contract and the use of the Jaegers.”

     Stark looked up from his phone, “Yeah?”

     “Yes. After a lot of thought, I’ve decided to boost your resources on this project so you can have the first Jaeger operational in one month. You like that?”

     “Sure. Sounds fine, but why the rush? You know the Kaiju was defeated just a week ago, and so far they’ve never returned that quickly. Shouldn’t you be sending resources to our martian front against the Daleks or other war zones? I thought you were supposed to be good at this.”

     “Oh I am good, very good.” The President suddenly sounded sinister, his voice lowering into a gurgling pitch.


     The president gave a sort of chesty cough and then continued, “Sorry. Sorry. What I mean to say is the contract, the resources, I need the Jaeger program operational as soon as possible, and I need the contract to be altered. The Jaeger program will no longer only be used as a defensive fail safe. I am sorry Stark, but I am sure you will understand.”

     Stark stepped away from the President. “Woah, woah, woah. I agreed to make these things ONLY to defend us from the Kaiju threat. What are you wanting to use them for?”

     “Justice, Stark. Justice. We need to capture the terrorists who attacked the capitol and destroyed the Pentagon. The Jaeger could help us do that.”

     “No. No way!” Stark was speaking faster as he became angry. “Use your own weapons to hunt terrorists, but that is not what I invented these things for.”

     “Stark. Think about it! Those people killed two thousand three hundred helpless citizens while you could do nothing! You did nothing. Your attacks were not enough to stop Tabuu, and he used one of your suits against us. We are going to send a Jaeger to Berk, and we are going to capture those terrorists and give them the punishment they so richly deserve. They attacked civilian targets, Stark. They attacked the people.”

     “AND that is exactly what you are asking me to do!” Stark was quickly becoming livid. “I will not let you send any of my weaponry into a populated area. Find the terrorists, do whatever you have to, but I will never again stand back and watch as death pores out onto innocent people through one of my inventions. I made my point clear,” Stark put his face right into the President’s, “I have a contract, and you’re not using the Jaegers to attack Berk or any other populated area, and that is final. What are you gonna do about it?” 

     Then to Stark’s shock, the eyes of the President that he had been glaring into washed over with some sort of infinitely black liquid. The President spoke, but the voice was not his own, it was the voice of an ancient power, a dark power, a fear that all beings know. He spoke with the voice of a shadow, with the voice of Shadoo. 

     “I had hoped it wouldn’t come to this,” the speech bled out in strange dark tones, everything about the Presidents true voice twisted and darkened. “But you haven’t left me any choice. Guess I’ll take your mind as well. Say goodbye to your body Stark. Embrace the shadows.” 

      The President lurched forward, and Stark pulled a palm blaster from the interior of his jacket. The device latched onto his hand and gave off a high pitch charging hum, but before he could fire, two black spots appeared on the floor to the right and left of the president. Out of these impossibly black pools two orb-like creatures known as Magiblots emerged. They shrieked at Stark with an unearthly laughing sound. He let his palm blaster discharge, and a brilliant blue flare shot towards the chest of the president. The President held both hand with his palms forward, and the surge of energy vanished into a globulous shield of dark matter. The two Magiblots leapt onto Stark and grabbed either arm before slamming him to the floor. He screamed out in confused protest, “NO! You can’t do this! Who are you?”

     “I am Shadoo, ruler of the Mirror, but I am about to be so much more than that; I am about to be Tony Stark.”

     “I don’t understand. What is going on? Grant, you have to listen to me! This isn’t you, something’s taken control! You can’t use the Jaegers, they’ll kill everyone! You must listen to me!”

     “Take him to the Mirror, I’ve got work to do.”

     And with that the Magiblots surged dark matter into either side of Stark body. He cringed for a moment in pain before letting his head fall back mouth agape and eyes staring blankly. Shadoo watched as the Magiblots drug Stark out of the room. In mere moments he would have control of the mind not only of the President but of the most brilliant weapons designer in history, and with such power no one would ever be able to stop him. Shadow would swallow all, and every mind would be his to control.

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