
Friday, November 22, 2013

Zippleback Down

Ok, so this episode was actually pretty good. The visuals were STUNNING! Just, AGH! I can't wait until I get a version of it that will allow me to take screenshots!

Now when I learned about the episodes coming out December 5th, I worried that they would totally ruin this episode by making it feel like it was just something in the way, a barrier between me and the Skrill. However, it turns out that I liked this episode a good deal! I would highly recommend it to anyone who hasn't seen it yet.

Now, my one complaint, and a complaint I could seriously mount against tons of the recent DoB episodes, is that this plot and many other just don't focus on Hiccup and Toothless. This one is ok about it, but others are just getting annoying. I like the teens, but they don't deserve as much spotlight as they keep getting... especially Fishlegs. What is it now? Three episodes where he has been the "hero" of the story or at least the main character? I like him in little portions, but he seems to be dominating way too many plots. I would very much like to see the View to a Skrill episode focus a LOT on Hiccup and Toothless. Just... we fell in love with HTTYD for those two, not so much the entire group. I like the group, but I don't like it when the other teens get more screen time than they deserve. This one focuses a lot on Tuffnut, and honestly I think it does a pretty good job with him! Lots of funny lines and some decent character moments, so overall I liked it! I just hope this is our one Tuffnut focused episode, not the beginning of another series of twin centered things. Episode 2 of DoB started us off on a looooooong Fishlegs/Meatlug marathon, and I am kind of hoping that has ended. No hard feelings against them or any of the other teens, but I would like to see more of Hiccup and Toothless. Give us another The Night and the Fury or What Flies Beneath. Those were episodes worth their weight in gold!

Now, I have lots of stuff to pull out and enjoy from this episode, but I'm going to wait until I get HD images. As soon as I can get some screenshots, I'll be posting and discussing the many very cool elements of Zippleback Down.

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