
Saturday, January 18, 2014

How it should have ended?!?

I was sooooo stinking excited to discover that a certain cameo snuck its way into the how it should have ended videos.

Ok, so the Desolation of Smaug... HUGE fantasy movie, thousands and thousands of people going to watch it because there is one stinking MASSIVE dragon playing the most important role in the whole plot. Yeah, it's a big deal for dragon fans to get one done really well in a film. Funny thing is... every time I thought about the film it kind of tickled me. The whole point of the trailers was to "slay the dragon", and now I totally don't think of dragons that way. So... anyway, this thing got a bunch of dragon hype, even a "How it should have ended" video, but then to my absolute amazement, look who showed up!

I just sat there saying "No...."!!! I couldn't believe it! HOW COOL IS THIS!? Hiccup and Toothless weaseling their way into the world of the Hobbit, and then of course Hiccup's gonna say what I was already thinking before coming into the film. Hilarious! Seriously, this is just so cool to have a company that takes the biggest hit movies and makes little shorts out of the recognize Hiccup and Toothless first and foremost out of a list of characters who have trained dragons. I mean, they showed Hiccup before they showed the woman off of Game of Thrones. How cool... how perfectly cool to see these videos actually bring Hiccup and Toothless in and recognize them as recognizable movie entities in our culture. Hiccup represents dragons being misunderstood and trainable?! How cool is that!?

And then, Oh yes! The HTTYD parity continues! It's just so awesome that they assume that people who go to see this Hobbit film will be familiar enough with HTTYD to think this is funny. The whole last big scene of their video practically hangs on the fact that people have seen HTTYD and strongly affiliate it with the idea that not all dragons are evil. Of course there is the comical twist that Smaug is evil, but still! This was perfect! Forbidden Friendship parity! This was just dream come true! Seriously, I had thought up funny parities between this movie and HTTYD myself, and I know others had as well, and apparently we are not the only ones who think it would be hilarious to tie HTTYD into the Hobbit world! This was just so great to finally see Hiccup and Toothless in one of their videos, and they didn't even mock them! Awesome.

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