
Thursday, January 23, 2014

Skari pencil art

Sorry I've not been posting as much recently! I've been sort of busy with stuff... school as well as some projects. I will say that I've got another Dsplash Chronicle almost completed. That's probably been the major time eater recently, but I've been getting help with it and I'm trying to be more careful about keeping characters in character (plus times in the story are getting darker and trickier to write). 

Anyway, onto this drawing! It's just a quick sketch I made, but I wanted to make at least one drawing of Skari after the battle with Sardilic (hence the burn marks wrapping around him). He'll carry those scars for the rest of the tale, but he's also under going a gradual (though still probably unrealistically quick XP) character transformation. Hope you like the line art. That top text is his name written in Gemnode script (a language which will translate in the eyes of any reader), and that triangular symbol represents the level of threat that he poses to the Gemnodes (in their own opinion). This is supposed to sort of be written from their perspective. Anyway, more posts coming soon!

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