
Monday, January 13, 2014

Snoggletog with AddyD

Last year, AddyD and I sent each other packages in the mail for "Snoggletog", and it was really, really fun! I sent him the Arena Spectacular Toothless mug (because that thing is just such a cool "grown-up" HTTYD gift), the deluxe HTTYD dvd, and several drawings. He sent me t-shirts, drawings, and TONS of candy! It was a really fun thing to do, so this year we decided to do it again. Last time we celebrated on the 12th of January, so we decided to stick to that tradition. Here is what I got, and I just can't thank him enough because it is soooooooo cool!

First off, tons of German candy. Let's just say that German chocolates make American candy bars and stuff taste like, well, plastic! This stuff is really great, and there is so much of it! I'll be enjoying it for months!

Then I found this beautiful thing! I just LOVE it! It's a lighting and texture concept image by Dominique Louis of the Red Death, and it has been printed onto a metal plaque! I've hung it in my room now, and I really like the way it looks. It's very serious, epic, and dark looking amongst my collection of other HTTYD things (haha, especially compared to my little chibi DoB Toothless toys). It adds a lot of diversity to my collection actually... because I don't have many images of the Red Death in my room (except I do have a poster I was given of my digital painting that I entered into the Welovefine contest.). So, yep, now I've got a fantastic image of the Red Death along with my dozens of Toothless images and my handful of Skrill pics (that sneaky dragon has weaseled his way into quite a lot of my drawings recently!). I'm really excited about this!

And last but not least, I got a 1000 piece Toothless puzzle! I have always loved this art piece that AddyD picked to have made into a puzzle, and I just wish I knew who originally made it so I could send them a glowing comment on their masterpiece! Anyway, this should be really fun! I plan to post images of my progress on it once I start! So if random pictures of unfinished Night Fury puzzles show up on the blog, you'll all know why!

We opened our gifts together at the exact same time while Skyping, and then we chatted for around two hours! Our schedules had been much busier than they used to be (especially his), so it was very nice to finally catch up and see what the other had been doing. This was so fun, and I just want to say thank you to him again! You're a great friend AddyD! I hope you have a good year.

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