
Monday, January 13, 2014

Snoggletog with Toothless

Well, now it's up to me to return the favor ;)
Yeah, has been a long time that I contributed here, but university and lots of my other occupations take waaaay too much of my time to post here frequently.

Alright. Last year, we intended to send each other some gifts for christmas. Since our gifts simply just had to be HTTYD-related, we said, that we'd rather celebrate "snoggletog". Both of us sent our gifts early in december and we hoped they would arrive in time for christmas. Well... Obviously parcels from Germany to the U.S. arrive much faster than the other way around. We learned that, when my gift was perfectly in time for christmas. (Just for further reading: when I write "my gift", I mean the gift I sent to Toothless) and there was no sign of his gift. Well... We also learned, that I can be really patient. In fact... I had no other option than to be just that, but we also agreed to open our packages the same day. Now guess what... His package hadn't arrived on the 5th of january, so I wrote him, that if it wouldn't be here on the 12th, he could open my package while I was still waiting for his.
Now another week passed and just that saturday morning on the 12th, my doorbell rung and I finally received his package! That way we set the date for Snoggletog to the 12th of january.

Now this year, we knew we would wait for the 12th. We also sent our packages in early december and my package was faster again. Now the last post revealed most of the contents of my gift, so just let's look at his gift here.
Warning that the package must not
be delivered to the receiver, but
only to the main customs office
It was wednesday, the 8th of january, when I returned home at quarter to 6pm. I had another appointment at 6:30pm, so I put my bike near the main entrance of my house because I had to leave in a couple of minutes again anyway. Now I checked my letterbox and found a letter of the german parcel service "DHL". It was a notification, that there was a parcel for me waiting in the local main customs office to be picked up. Then there were some options listed: Either I could pick it up myself or... I just skipped the rest. I just looked up the address of that main customs office and raced there with my bike in minutes! There were plenty of other pepole waiting to pick up their parcels, so I had to wait. Finally I got that desired box with my address on it! Obviously the content was stated too valuable to be shipped to me without a duty. It didn't matter to me, so I asked for the price. The officer took his calculator, converted dollar in euro, subtracted the allowed limit and then calculated 19% of the rest. Fortunately the amount was below 5€, so they decided not to charge me at all.
From there I cycled straight to my appointment and when I returned home late that night, I told Toothless about it. Unfortunately I was forced to read the table of contents on the package on the customs office, so I basically knew what to expect. Bummer. But anyway. I finally had it.

When it was midnight over here the night from the 11th to the 12th, I skyped with Toothless. We both opened our packages and now look what I've found:

Two super cute Toothless-toys with revolvable heads

The original birthday drawing with Toothless reurgitating
my birthday cake (before he lit the candle ;) )

A drawing of one of my favorite kind of dragon: The Changewing

A letter that had the same line in it as my letter to him!
(Thanks for being such a great friend!!!)

Not just any DVD...

...but a special Edition with a very, very special 3D cover!

Last but not least: The greatest gift of all of them:

I got the workbook as a present, when I was visiting last summer, but now I also got the DVD-set added.

Man, that was quite something! As he already stated in his latest blogpost, we skyped for more than two hours. This way I only had very few hours left to sleep, but that was totally worth it. Now I just wait for the exam period to pass by and then I'm going top start working through the Behold your God devotional companion once more, this time enriched by inspiring videos with words of famous men of God.

So thanks a lot, Toothless! Everyone who can call you his friend is really really lucky. I can't thank God enough that he crossed our ways.

Dragonific greetings from Dresden, Germany!

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