
Wednesday, April 23, 2014

50 days away!

Well, the count down continues! It is now a meager 50 days until HTTYD soars into American Theaters. I simply cannot believe it. Half our wait has passed since I wrote my "100 days away" post! half of it! Fifty day is a good while yet, but then I start thinking of other things I'm looking forward to (like my Birthday or the next Super Smash Bros. Game) and then I suddenly realize: HTTYD 2 will be here before those things are! For so long it has always been a thing I kept in the back of my mind, a thing I kept locked into the category of "extremely far off fun things". But now it's really close! I'm actually trying my best to spoiler dodge! I didn't watch the first five minutes because I want to see that in theaters. Anyway, very exciting times! MAN, in just fifty days I'll be in a theater watching this! 

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