
Saturday, April 19, 2014

Hey! RoB references in HTTYD2!

Ok, honestly compared to other sequel news, this is kinda small. But that doesn't mean it isn't interesting! Apparently, Gobber is still doing dragon-dentistry! The creators of RoB did say that you would not need to watch it to understand the second movie, but they also said that people who watched the series would enjoy catching small references to it when they watched HTTYD2. I suppose this must be one of them! It is nice to see some tie ins... because RoB and DoB certainly had some good moments. Man, that's quite a large Zippleback now that I'm looking at it. Anyway, it is nice to see that the creators of RoB were not pulling our leg, there will indeed be some small references back to the series!

Yeah, so this is a short post. Sometime I plan to get to a longer one, but at the moment I'm just a little busy and have more important things to try and focus on. Haha, dragons can be so distracting!

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