
Sunday, April 6, 2014

Just Because Everything's Changing...

So... I was actually a tad late in creating this! It is a gift for Inhonoredglory and Toothlesslove because yesterday (and I believe sort of today [April 5-6]) is their second year anniversary of watching HTTYD (and I believe GotNF! Luck people got to see both of them the same day XD). I actually don't know the exact date that I got to see HTTYD... but I believe it would have been early to mid April. Ugh... I wish I knew my "watched-ya" day. Anyway, I hope they had a great day! I certainly had an awesome time the last time I watched the film, so if they wound up getting to do that, I hope it was a real treat.

As for the art-piece, it isn't much. I actually almost missed the date altogether, and that made me feel terrible. I was rushed for time, and this was originally going to be a full blown painting. As it stands, it's only a line art. It is a parity of the first hug in GotNF (and as far as we know the first hug Hiccup gave to Toothless). But, as is hopefully clear, there are some differences! Hiccup is older, and because of that he's taller. This meant I had to adjust Toothless's position, and it was trickier than I expected. Hiccup and Toothless are both sporting their sequel changes, what with more nubs on Toothless and new gear on Hiccup. The little bit of type I've got on there is actually inspired by Glory's Anniversary video she made for their first HTTYD celebration. That video is just pure art, so I took some of the song limits and applied them to older Hiccup and Toothless.

Hope they like it! Wish I could have made them something more...

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