
Tuesday, April 8, 2014

New Gobber poster!

Wow! This is an unexpected (though pleasant and exciting) reveal! A new Gobber poster! Wow, we have hardly gotten a view of this guy in the trailers, so it is nice to get an HD still of him. His dragon's name is grump... and from what I can gather from the trailers and this image... he looks kinda like a deformed Gronckle! It is nice that Gobber will have his own dragon, and judging by this poster he and it should have a pretty fun dynamic! 

Gobber... well, he's still Gobber, just older and with even more rough edges and gristle than before! His helmet is now equipped with some sort of vizor that can serve as a face mask. One thing that I think is interesting is that his arm now has a brace! Poor guy, age is catching up, so I guess it's no surprise that he needs a little help moving around his massive prosthetic attachments. 

I just love the details of ALL of these posters, but I think Gobber's clearly displays that HTTYD is still willing to realistically surface and detail everything, even if it's dirty, hairy, or gross! I look forward to possibly getting a Valka, and even a Stoick poster as well (hey, and I'd love to see Drago and Eret get some fanfare too!). We've seen a small glimpse of Valka and Cloudjumper, and it looks great, but I'm not going to post the image until they make it an official poster. The next and final trailer is coming out in just two days, so things are really picking up! I hope I'll have enough time to keep posting and be up to date on all this great stuff.

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