
Sunday, May 11, 2014

Anticipation is building!!

First things first. I apologize for the massive lack of new posts over the last few weeks. I do have reasons! One would be that I was studying for finals and finishing up my freshmen year of college. The other reason would be that I am spoiler dodging. That doesn't mean that I am not excited about the second film, far from it, but it does mean that most of the info that would be new and exciting to most of you is completely unknown to me! It's hard to speculate and analyze on stuff when you haven't seen it! But, I am now finished with school, and I am hopeful that I will be able to post more often now. I have somewhat finished my next Dsplash Chronicle, but it still needs some editing, and I haven't illustrated it.

But, now onto analysis!! This is the post I've been wanting to do for AGES. Well, at least ever since the final HTTYD2 trailer aired. It is just a small aspect of the second film that really excites me. What is this aspect? It's quite a easy thing to catch in the trailers. HTTYD2 looks like it will have a beautiful family orientation, and I for one an excited by that! 

Now, this does not take away from the fact that I appreciated the first film displaying the hardships of a single father raising his teenage son. That was a great, great element worth pages of analysis. I wouldn't want the first movie changed for anything. Plus, one nice point to throw in is that even though the second film looks like it will focus on how wonderful a complete family is, none of the characters look like they will be without fault (ha, except for good ol' Toothless!). The fact that Stoick had to raise Hiccup alone puts a rather negative light on Valka's character, and then of course Hiccup and Stoick are still not always on the same page when it comes to what Hiccup must do and be. I think the flaws in each character will still be apparent and that they will not all become happy in a cliche way because a mother is suddenly present. BUT I just LOVE seeing how happy they ARE to actually be together. The fact that Stoick is so forgiving and that it is clear that Valka still loves him and even feels a strong draw towards Hiccup is really cool in my opinion. It is just neat to see all of them apparently pulling themselves high above the fog of problems that they each have caused and loving each other in beautiful, selfless ways. I look forward to seeing the scenes with the three of them together because I do think there will be a magic there that is unique amongst a family, but at the same time I imagine there will be a realism displayed in that none of them are perfect yet they still love each other.

Now, just to make a continued note, I think it is awesome to have Valka back! Ha, funny to be posting this on mother's day. I think she is able to bring out the best in all of the characters. She shows how loyal Stoick has been in his love for her, and we saw that in the gorgeous moment in the last trailer. Then, I think it is beautiful to see that she is a great mom for Hiccup, even though neither of them have ever really known each other. I love her line in the trailer where she tells Hiccup, "You have the heart of a chief and the soul of a dragon." It is a great description of Hiccup, but it also shows Valka's clear headed view of him. She understands how deep a bond with a dragon can be (because of Cloudjumper), but she also recognizes the power and courage of a chief (because of Stoick). I am happy to see that she will possibly be able to lend some clarity to Hiccup concerning what he will be in the future. But there is more! She is not only a great mom for Hiccup, she works great with Toothless as well! We see this quite obviously in the trailer, and she and he are so sweet together! I am just enamored by that to be honest. Hiccup and Toothless treat each other as equal, as best friends, practically as brothers. I don't think it is a stretch at all to say that Hiccup would consider Toothless to be family, and Valka of all people will respect that. Another thing to note is that she knew about Toothless's splitting back spines. How? Perhaps she has seen other Night Furies. But if she has... where are they? What happened to Toothless's family? Why is he so happy to be searching with Hiccup for his missing species? I just wonder what is in Toothless's past. I imagine (like most more intelligent animals) that many of Toothless's abilities would be taught to him while less would be instinctual (look up birds of prey. Many of them must learn to hunt and fly properly and are taught that by parents, but they still have some built in instinct). Maybe this means that if Toothless would have had parents, he would have learned this muscular function (which I imagine could aid maneuvering in flight). But, Toothless doesn't know about this. He's clueless. It's so CUTE to see him so excited by it, excited to have a "mom" who knows how he works and what will help him grow. I like that. Valka really does seem to be bringing out the best in Stoick, Hiccup, and Toothless!

So, what's the catch? I think the catch is this. The family getting back together will put Hiccup and Toothless on a peak of happiness, but from that peak comes an unbelievable threat. Drago Bludvist. If Hiccup and Toothless are suddenly fighting not just for Berk, not just for the dragons, but for their reunited family, the stakes become that much higher. We know all of them will be diving into deadly combat together... and I just have to worry. What if we lose one of them? How crushing that would be... I dearly hope it doesn't happen. All this to say, I think having the entire Haddock family back together will add a delightful amount of charm, character complexity, and drama to the next film.

And that's not even counting Stoick's "future daughter-in-law" ;)

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