
Saturday, May 3, 2014

HTTYD2 Full Group Poster!

Supposed to be studying for finals... supposed to be studying for finals... supposed to be studying for finals... studying for fin-- fin. Fin. Fish have fins. Toothless eats fish. Toothless is in HTTYD2. HTTYD2 is in 40 days...


Studying can wait...

So, this is apparently the last HTTYD2 poster. Even though it is mostly stock images we've seen before, I really like it! It shows a lot of the quirky, fun personality of HTTYD! Everything from the scared sheep, to the quietly confident Hiccup, to those goofy terrible terrors photobombing! It's neat to see the whole group together, kinda reminds me of a shot in a college year book or something (maybe that's the whole looming exams thing... oops, I need to get back!). Really fun to see all the different personalities showing out her.

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