
Friday, August 22, 2014

Blog Policies

So, since my blog is (thankfully) getting a couple of readers, I felt I would lay down some basic facts about how this blog works. Some of this will be, yes, rules, but other things will hopefully be fun for you!

Ok, first thing I suppose you should know is that I am a Christian. That means I WILL hold certain moral views and principles. I am happy to discuss them with you, but if you want to argue them, I may not reply to your messages. This blog isn't about that, it is about HTTYD, BUT I can hopefully say that my love for Christ will permeate the way I post, do art, talk, and analyze here on the blog. If my views conflict with yours, I am sorry, and I do wish you would consider my stand point, but I don't say things to try and attack those who don't believe what I do. If we differ, we can still be friends, and I don't plan to attack you or use this blog as a platform against you... but I will speak what I believe is right, and you should probably know that most of my stories and analysis have at least some roots in the principles I've come to believe.

Alright, with that I would like to say that I do have children who read this blog. That means I want any sort of even mildly bad or vulgar language to stay out of the comments. If you comment and use language that I don't approve of, I will delete it. I don't really approve of it, and I don't want the atmosphere here to have it. No, I'm not gonna fall over dead if you spout something off in anger or excitement, but I may delete your comment. I don't dislike you for it, I just don't want it posted.

That leads me to commenting... PLEASE feel feel to! I so, so, so love it when people comment on this blog. When you don't comment, I really don't know if what I'v done, said, or drawn is even remotely thought provoking. I don't really even know if people read my posts. So, if you feel like you will be a nuisance by commenting, you are not! If you are shy and feel that maybe I'm too busy or "important" in the fandom... I'm not. I'm just a fan, exactly like you, and I want to hear your thoughts! I try to reply to comments as much as possible, so feel free to ask questions or state opinions. You are all really great, and even if it as simple "I like that piece of art" or "That scene is my favorite too" comming from my readers really excites me! Thank you to those who do comment! I use Disqus, and it is super simple to make an account. All you need is an email address. So, if you ever do get on a post and have any thoughts, you'd make this HTTYD fan really happy if you'd let me here them! This doesn't just have to be a blog about me... in fact I'd like to get to know you... what your favorite scenes are, who your favorite character is, what other movies you enjoy, when you have a bday (incase of special bday posts). So, please feel free to contact me.

Finally, I'm going to tell you about a new "policy". I am FULLY willing to take requests! If you want a certain piece of art, if you want a certain scene analyzed, if you want something from Dsplash explained, or if you just want to know what I think about something, feel free to tell me! I'd love to do analyses on request... that is what Glory did and she was fantastic. I probably will never get to her level of writing and blogging, but I do try to do my best to give you interesting stuff. An example of how I try to take requests is that I was asked what I thought of the soundtrack. Instead of giving and answer, I wrote a full post. I am completely willing to do that, in fact I love to do it! So, if you have a post you'd like to see, pop me a comment! As for art, I can do line arts and sketches very quickly, and I will do them on request. If you want me to do a digital painting, it would have to be an idea that I liked enough to put the time into... which on average is twenty hours. So, no promises that I can get to all the requests, but I will try if anyone gives me any, and I hope I'll be able to do a good job.

So, that is how the blog works! I hope you will continue reading, and thanks so much to those of you who do.

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