
Sunday, August 24, 2014

College doodles (so far...)

Western Civ got a lot more Toothless doodles on the front than I can usually sneak in during a class period. This is mostly due to the fact that our professor spent the entire first class telling us about the syllabus...

Ecology, the dream class of a young Viking man who wants to map the world...

In English Lit I managed to do an attempt at a doodle of Toothless dangling Hiccup off a cliff. I may play around with this positioning and actual do a real image of it one day. Here's hoping!

Oh, and my Genetics book has an... interesting... sticker on the front! Haha, I love it. I wish I could get a hold of my Genetics lab book, but currently my professor has it. It has a doodle at the front as well, but it is just a drawing of Toothless looking at a double helix. Anyway, this is how one should always start a year of college... with as many Toothless's as possible!

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