
Wednesday, December 28, 2016

A Comprehensive Guide To Dragons: Entry 1

I have decided to use one of my Christmas journals for an art project. This book will now be called "A Comprehensive Guide To Dragons" (aCGtD for short), and I am going to be hopefully doing quite a lot of dragon sketches inside of it. I've already finished my first entry, so I am going to post images of the pages here on the blog. I hope you'll enjoy this new stream of posts/art that I'll be attempting to do.

Tuesday, December 27, 2016

To quote Calvin from Calvin and Hobbes: Check out my "Loot"!

I had a really lovely Christmas, and a lot of kind people gave me some really great gifts! I'm going to post pictures of the more nerdy ones here on my blog, and I'll also be posting a lot of thank you's. So, if you'd like to see what I got, click the "read more"

Monday, December 26, 2016

Blaze Forward (Happy Birthday Inhonoredglory!)

Happy Birthday Inhonoredglory! I managed to get some painting done during my winter holiday, and I wanted to make you a gift. I knew I wanted it to involve Hiccup pretty heavily, but I also wanted to try my hand at a really dark, dramatic sort of lighting. I really liked the orange fire glow that I managed to pull of in the "Sleepy Companions" art piece I did a while back, so I tried to sort of replicate that here. It turned out a lot darker than that one, but I still like the result. I hope you enjoy it. I'm going to attach some versions of the painting bellow that are text free incase you or any of my other readers would like to use those versions of it.

Sunday, December 25, 2016

Happy Snoggletog!

Hey guys! Happy Snoggletog! I hope you are all having a wonderful holiday. I have had a great Christmas, and I will probably post about the gifts I've been given sometime tomorrow or the next day. Anyway, I actually went out of my way and finished a small digital painting for the holiday. It's been so long since I've gotten to paint! It was a lot of fun to get back into it. If you would like to get the above image without the text, I'm going to attach it below.

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Well this is unfortunate...

It seems that HTTYD3 has been pushed back to March 1, 2019. This is somewhat unfortunate because I was getting pretty excited what with feeling like we were half way there. However, some plot details have been made clear, and I do think the film is going in the right direction, so that is a relief! What do you guys think of the push back? 

(Artwork is not mine. I believe it's actually official art from the second movie)

Monday, October 31, 2016

Despicable, Deplorable, Depraved Villains... the "Butts" gallery

So, what with it being Halloween and all, I thought I'd spring and do another post. Perhaps this won't be long, but I'd love to see it generate some discussion the same way the last post did (you guys are great). Anyway, I am going to make a compilation of the villainous characters in the few fandoms I like that me and my brother charmingly refer to as "Butts" (the height of all insults, I'm sure). These aren't just well designed villain characters (like Bill Cipher from Gravity Falls or Ghirahim from Skyward Sword) these are characters that stab the the characters I care about and then twist the knife in the wound. These are the absolutely disturbing characters that attack on the personal level. So, let's check them out. Be warned, spoilers will follow!

Thursday, September 29, 2016

Describe Yourself using 3 images of 3 fictitious characters

Ok, so my roommate told me that instagram is seeing a trend of this fun idea to describe yourself using three fictional characters. I'm not on instagram myself, but I thought this would be fun! If you would like, you could also describe yourself using three images of three characters in the comments section. I think it would be neat to see how you guys would display your personalities! To see my three characters, click the read more.

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

I'm 22... that's past the average Viking Life expectancy!

So, today was my birthday. I'm really thankful for all the kindness I've received over the last year as well as today! I am going to write a quick post about all the gifts that were fandomy that I got today. Hopeful it will be interesting for you! If I receive any more, I will update the post, but this is what I've been given so far.

Saturday, July 23, 2016

Let's See The Sky Together (Happy Birthday Toothlesslove!)

Happy birthday Toothlesslove! The above image is a gift I made for the HTTYD fan Toothlesslove. She and Inhonoredglory have been great friends to for years now, and I try to make them something when their birthdays come around. If you would like to see a some more shots of the painting, get a "non gift" version of it, and read my reasoning behind it, feel free to click the "read more"

Thursday, June 30, 2016

Strike Class Comparisons

The Strike Class has always been my favorite, but for a long time it was limited to two (incredibly cool) dragons. Now, thanks to the new Netflix series Race To The Edge, the Strike Class has doubled in number. The two new dragons are the Snow Wraith and the Triple Stryke. However, as much as I love the new dragons, I do confess that I don’t always agree with dragonpedia on how it distributes stats. For instance, Toothless shoots far past his set shot limit in the first movie when battling the Red Death (and don’t even get me started on his battle with the Bewilderbeast). Also, the new Triple Stryke is shown as having no venom… while at the same time the site claims it has three different kinds of poison in its tail. I appreciate the dragonpedia a ton… I just don’t always agree with it. So, I’ve had a fun little idea. I love comparative vertebrate anatomy, and I love dragons, so I am going to do my best to compare these four deadly dragons to one another. I must confess I will probably be biased, and I don’t expect you all to agree with me, but I am going to do my best to be objective. Ha, my younger brother has already claimed that in my system of stats, Toothless would come out on top of everything. He’s not too far off… but click the read more if you want to see my full thoughts on how these Strike Class dragons match up.

Sunday, June 26, 2016

RTTE: Stryke Out

Alright, I've been binge watching the new RTTE episodes, and so far THIS episode actually really engaged me! I enjoyed it a lot, more than most RTTE episodes. So, I will try and review it the same way I've reviewed most of the other episodes. 

Monday, June 13, 2016

Happy 2nd year anniversary HTTYD2!

HTTYD 2 turned two today! It's pretty crazy to think that this movie... which I still feel I have only totally barely scratched the surface of analyzing... is now two whole years old. Haha, in truth I am pretty sure I've only ever watched through the whole thing about 12 times... which is not much compared to the 70ish times I've watched the first one. My reason for that is that this second one is such a powerfully emotional roller coaster ride that I can't usually force myself to sit down and watch it unless I've really prepped myself. Every time I've watched it I've cried at least once. I watched it again today in celebration of it's anniversary, and I think I'll do a tiny bit of discussing what I thought of it below. Click the "read more" if you are interested.

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

I'm still alive, barely!

Hey guys, long time no post... again! Man, this year has been busy. I'm right in the middle of dead week, and this is when I take all my lab finals. I thought I'd take a little picture of my desktop image and some of the stuff I am working on. Ha, I just now noticed that the gland I took a picture of was the salivary gland... which is funny since I'v written one of my favorite posts particularly about Toothless's saliva. I've been trying to make it through these last dreadful weeks of constant tests and papers with a healthy dose of caffeine and soundtracks. Hopefully when summer finally gets here I will be able to write you guys a proper post.

Other than school I did go and see The Jungle Book, and it was gorgeous and lovely and I'm probably gonna buy it and my only complaint is that Kaa didn't have more screen time. I am also sort of working on making Dslpash into a type of rpg that is played as a turn based strategy game using digital images. If that works out, I'll be sure to share some of the details with you guys later. So, how has everyone been? Any recent developments that I should know. I noticed The Serpent's Heir is not out yet... which is a bummer because I really want to read it.

Anyway, hope you are all doing better than I am! Seriously... I need to get back to studying!

Friday, April 1, 2016

Big HTTYD3 News... Like, crazy news.

I just found an interview with Dean DeBlois concerning HTTYD3... and some of the news revealed by the interview is shocking! I'm not sure I agree with the direction the film is going to take, but click the read more to see the news.

Saturday, March 26, 2016

Happy HTTYD Day (It's been SIX years people!)

The image you see above is the first image I saved to my computer that has anything to do with HTTYD. Talk about crazy... this thing is six years old! Today, as a way to commemorate six awesome years of HTTYD fans and fandom, I thought I'd show you some of my oldest stuff... my "firsts". So, if you want to see my earliest fan works, please click the "read more".

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Did someone say chess (or Maces and Talons)?

When I announced my return to the blog, several people asked me if I would write more about RttE. Well, this is my attempt to do so! Haha, I must confess I have not gone super in depth with the tv series, but last season was good, so it deserves more than the one post I gave it! The subject of this post will be Viggo Grimborn. There were two things I've seen people going nuts over after the series: Viggo Grimborn, and Hiccstrid. Since I'm not all that good at analyzing Hiccstrid, I thought I'd give our new frightening villain a shot. Hope you enjoy it.

Friday, March 11, 2016

I'm coming back. I promise!

I have been gone quite a while because of my intense school schedule. I will be writing some this week... because it is my spring break! Now, if anyone wants something particular blogged about this week, please leave me a comment. I've got ideas for an analysis already. It's good to be back!

Monday, January 25, 2016

Microreveiew of RttE season 2!

So, I have finished watching all the episodes in the second season of Race to the Edge, and I'm gonna write a quick review of the ENTIRE season. What this means is that I'm gonna try to give you as many pros and cons that I can remember, so we may get quite a nice list. If you are still on the fence about the seasons, maybe this will help you to decide whether you do (or don't) want to watch them.