
Wednesday, January 23, 2019

HTTYD3 Funko Pop Review

Well, I picked up my favorite Funko Pops to date (Although that Roy Mustang Pop gives the Light Fury a run for her money!)! I'm gonna take a bunch of pics and give a few comments on these guys. If you are interested, click the "read more".

I'm going to start with the Light Fury since I'll be comparing the old and new Toothless Funkos. Just for a first, she looks gorgeous! She has this glossy finish that makes her kind of shiny, and I think it really fits her film design. Her posture is a bit more elegant and stand-offish than Toothless's (which is cuter but at the same time very forward and bold). 

I've not noticed her eye markings being quite this pink in the trailers for the film, but they are there. I wonder if they will glow pinker in the hidden world (like we see Stormfly glowing). She has this subtle blue undertone to a lot of her body, and it looks really pretty. Even though the design would have been fine just being matte-white, this Funko went the extra mile. It really does look stunning.

The sub-nubs under Toothless and the Light Furies ears are actually very different in the two toys, which is a pretty cool touch! Granted, Toothless's aren't perfectly accurate (they should have a slight teardrop shape), but they are a good size for this model. 

Here's a shot of her wings and spine. I really like how it's almost an eel-fin down her back... it looks so alien but at the same time less aggressive and prettier than Toothless's back! I'm pretty sure she has six digits in wings in the film, so I think this model is missing one.

Her tail is also has a softer edge to it than Toothless's. This is definitely accurate to what we've seen in the trailers. 

And, last but not least, she actually has little pink nostrils! This really is a spectacular model... I just wish they were making an HTTYD3 Hiccup (*rages*).

So, now we get Toothless from the HTTYD2 line of Funkos up against Toothless from his HTTYD3 rendition. The improvements are pretty easy to see! That being said, I genuinely like the darker black on the old one, and the eye color pops much more. Both models nail quite a few details very well (for instance, they each have seven spines on his head... he technically has eight, but the last one is so small it wouldn't make sense to put it in this stylized form).

Toothless's new posture and wings look great. The wings are much larger on the new one. Both have pretty accurate sub-nubs, and they both also sport a nicely detailed saddle. The new model also has the spines running down the side of Toothless's tail, which is a nice improvement.

The new model also sports his spines on his forelegs, which are actually one of my favorite aspects of Toothless's overall design and anatomy! He is only shown with four... while he should have six, but the first and last spine are very, very small... so I feel it is justifiable to not include them in this stylized form. 

The new design for Toothless's feet is much more accurate to the film. His old design gave his hindlegs big, flat, almost from-like feet. The coloring of his nails was also just a little too brown. Both of these aspects have been fixed in the new Funko. I've also taken a picture of the Sideshow model (which is honestly flawlessly accurate as far as I can tell), so you can kind of see what I think his hind-feet should look like. 

Toothless still has his HTTYD2 tail-fin. His wings are also much larger and very regal looking in this new Funko. However, much like his predecessor, this model has a missing digit in both the tail and the main wings. This one doesn't really make sense in my opinion... but I guess it's not a massively noticeable issue!

The details on this model are fantastic! Granted, there are a few issues with the paint job, but overall it looks amazing! The scales on his face and ears are fantastic, and I especially love how they changed his overall posture. He looks much less static, and his little bent over ear makes him much more expressive!

Haha, to be honest, I haven't decided whether or not I ship these guys yet! I mean, I super want Toothless to be happy, and she seems like a fascinating character, but I just feel BAD for Hiccup in all this! We'll have to see how the third movie ends... I imagine I'll love her by the credits ;)

Well, that's my review. My collection of nerdy-awesomeness continues to fill the shelf I got for Christmas! I'm really excited for the third movie!

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