
Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Meeting VikingontheBackofaDragon!

Heyo! How is everyone? I know I've been super absent (which I basically say every time I post these days), but it is good to pop in for a minute! And the reason for the occasion is a very fun one: I got to meet yet another member of the HTTYD fandom who I first encountered online!

So, anyway, I had the privilege of meeting VikingontheBackofaDragon (VotBoaD)! We met up at a pizza place and had a blast discussing all sorts of nerdy things! Whether it was the third film, Homecoming, FMAB, or the worrying oversaturation of Disney in the current film industry, it was one of those times that I really, really value. Because, even after being out for ten years, HTTYD is so exceptionally good at bringing people together. This is the fourth time I've met with fans who live across the country/world, and I must admit I feel extremely lucky. 

So, thanks so much for meeting up with me, VotBoaD! Hopefully, we'll have plenty of other wonderful, nerdy things to discuss as the future unfolds. 

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