
Thursday, March 26, 2020

HTTYD Ten Year Anniversary!!

Well, ten years have come and gone! And here I am, sitting after having finished watching HTTYD 1 again! 

I watched it while messaging Toothlesslove and Glory, and as usual, it was magical. I cried in quite a few scenes, and we all decided to not message during Forbidden Friendship. That first film... it really is magical. The music, design, themes... they all are so well executed! And something that struck me this time was how well-paced it feels. It swings elegantly back and forth between dimly lit, to bright, from boisterous and full of dialogue, to quiet and magical. It's a masterpiece, and I love it as much now (if not more) than when I saw it. It's such a crazy ride to sit and watch it again... makes me feel like the weird, awkward, nerdy fifteen-year-old I once was (and maybe still am... inside!). I'm so thankful for this film, this trilogy, and for the many friends I've met and adventures I've had because of it!

Aaaaaaand, on that note, I have one more HTTYD event planned tonight! In the Dimension Splash RPG, I'm having Berk hold a big feast to celebrate what Berk has stood for for ten years in this Gemnode world. They are inviting many of their closest allies, so I and my brother are about to play through that event. If you want to see the layout of the great hall and the many allies filling the rows of tables, I've attached some pictures of it below.

Dimension Splash is one of the biggest things I've ever made... and it exists almost completely because of HTTYD. Nowadays... I sort of see it as a fun way to keep the story of Hiccup and Toothless going, and I'm really thankful for my brother and my friends who play it with me. 

It's been ten great years. Three great stories (along with, ahem, GotNF which is the true second movie!), and ten great years of being a fan. HTTYD has pushed forward my love of art, of story writing, and has connected me to many, many wonderful fans from around the world. Heck, I'd even venture to say that the themes of selflessness, courage, and love have been of help to me personally... pushing me a little bit more towards being the type of friend, son, and Christian that I want to be. So, yeah, all that to say... I hope we get another ten great years!

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