
Sunday, September 20, 2020


Well, I turned 26 today! Quite the odd age... I'm still about 4 years away from the end of HTTYD3 Hiccup or Roy Mustang, but I can wait.

So for my birthday I got to do quite a lot of fun things. Sadly, my little brother was feeling sick, so we had to hang out over Zoom. BUT, we did get to play loads and loads of Dimension Splash... and we tackled an 11 hour event together that was super focused around Berk, Toothless, Link... and Dragon-Kind in general! So, that was incredibly fun and I am super thankful he carved out the time to do it! My mom also made beignets and my little sister made deep fried oreos! Haha, so I wasn't a super healthy eater this bday!

I got loads of fun nerdy gifts. First off, I got an early bday gift from VikingontheBackofaDragon! It's this really really nice looking enamel pin of Smaug from his map illustration in the Hobbit. Considering Smaug was pretty much the first dragon I ever really fell for, I was super excited to get this pin and add it to the growing collection!

I was also two really cool board games. One, which I have played and enjoy, was given to me by my younger sister. It's Catan! And then my old college roommate gave me this super fun and wacky game called "Throw Throw Burrito"... and it's a dodgeball/card-game. It's as wild as it sounds. Me and the family played it tonight. I didn't win, but it definitely was fun!

My older sister got me a nice shirt... but best of all she also got me Killer Whale Socks! I love orca socks. I have a pair and this new pair is even better. I kinda feel like the intelligence and power of Orcas reminds me of the HTTYD dragons... so one day I really want to see one in the wild!

My parents gave me new water-proof boots. Which wouldn't sound that exciting, but when I opened them and put them on I immediately thought they looked kinda like Hiccup's boots. And hilariously that's what Andrew said about them when he and my parents were looking to pick them out! Ha, they know me too well. I was also given this new remaster of three of the best Mario game classics. And boy have I been enjoying it. In my down time I've already beaten 2 of the Bowser boss fights in Mario 64. Man, I played that game when I was super young, and it is still such a blast even now. Makes me very very nostalgic!

And then finally I got some EPIC nerdy gifts from Toothlesslove and Inhonoredglory! I got a die-catcher (perfect for my HeroScape escapades!) that features all the crests from the newest Fire Emblem. I got a night light that is the FLAME ALCHEMY CIRCLE! Wut! Who knew that could even exists! XD And then I also got two really epic art piece. Inhonoredglory made me this really stylish rendition of Lady Maria (a character from Bloodborne who has recently made it into my list of top favorite characters), and Toothlesslove made me a piece of Hiccup meeting the King of Storn/Storm Drake from Dark Souls 3! Man, these pieces are so fantastic. I love both their uses of lighting and the simple color palletes that pop so strikingly from each image.

Anyway, thanks a ton to everyone. It was a fabulous birthday and I am lucky to have so many kind friends and such an awesome family :)

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