
Thursday, February 16, 2023

Back from the dead! (At least for a bit!)


Well, this blog has been dead for ages. Honestly, a big part of me wishes I would've ended it on my post, "There Were Dragons When I Was a Boy". That would have been a beautiful bow to tie on this blog and an amazing era of my life. If you are still reading (which would surprise me! Hi!), then I'd like to fill you in on two things:

1) Why I've been gone so long

2) Why I am back

Click through to see the post in full

So, for point 1:

I have been gone for ages. And yet... I am still every bit the helpless nerd and fanboy. This blog was always my way to discuss the franchises I loved. To vent my analysis on the stories that moved me, especially HTTYD, and to interact with other friends. And yet I've left this blog behind. So... why?

To put it simply, there are two reasons. One is practical, and the other is deeper. So I'll get the practical one out of the way. I am working on a Ph.D. This is VERY time-consuming and keeps me busy and mentally drained. So, with my work, it is harder to find time to sit and write out blog posts.

But that really isn't the main reason I've been absent. I've been absent because the blog fulfilled a purpose. It gave me a window to speak out of and interact with other fans. It was a place to find friends who I could discuss HTTYD and other stories with. A place I could share art, theories, and excitement over new developments. And the blog gave me all of this. I made it at a time when the list of people I considered close friends had dwindled to a very small number. But, thanks in no small part to this blog, that list has grown substantially. And that's why I don't use this blog much anymore. It gave me what I really wanted: people to be close to and to share in the joy of my passions and hobbies with. Since stepping away from the blog, I have become super close with fans I met here (Hi, VikingontheBackofaDragon!) as well as making close, nerdy friendships with other people. I have people who I talk to, get excited with, and spill my analysis onto now who fill the role once held by this blog. I'm so thankful for that. And I am very thankful that this blog helped pave the way for many of those friendships.

Another reason I have been gone is pretty simple. HTTYD ended for me in 2019. That's not to say I don't still love it. It is still my favorite story. But with the closing of the third film, I really enjoyed that finality. I have not and do not plan to watch the current spin-off shows. I've heard they aren't good, and that doesn't surprise me. However, HTTYD being over is one reason I am stepping back in... so let's move into my second point.

Point 2:

Why I'm back is because of an announcement of a live-action HTTYD being prepared for a 2025 release. I am going to make a full post concerning my thoughts on this. To give you a heads-up... my feelings are pretty negative toward the idea. But I don't want to come back to this blog, which is a blog I love and treasure as an encapsulation of some of the best years of my life, in order to simply gripe about the news. I generally tried to keep my feelings on this blog pretty positive. For instance, I have some real gripes about the third film. But I didn't really discuss them because I wanted to focus on the many elements of the film that I did and still do enjoy. So, with my return, I also want to briefly dive into some of the other franchises I've discovered and fallen for since I have been gone. I will give some teasers for what I want to do in the upcoming posts:

Give my thoughts concerning the live-action remake of HTTYD
A review of Puss in Boots: The Last Wish
Discuss Kimetsu No Yaiba (Demon Slayer)
Discuss Fire Emblem (notably Engage and Three Houses as they are the newest titles. However, I do want to talk more in-depth about Fire Emblem Fates, which is still my favorite title)
Tease some information on Scalecloak, a comic I wish to create alongside my brother

There are probably plenty of other things I could post about. I really have been loving a lot of stories lately and have plenty of thoughts on them. But this list is the stuff I think I will tackle.

I will say, I do not expect to be super active again. As I mentioned, the primary function of this blog for me has been filled by a close group of friends who I now spend tons of time discussing stories and games with. So please don't expect frequent posts. Whether I will continue to post will probably depend on the engagement the posts receive. I am well aware that blogger is a pretty dead social media AND that the audience I once had has probably moved on! But if you are still around, I am glad you are here.

Still... it is nostalgic to be back. I hope you have all been well, and I plan to discuss the HTTYD live-action news very soon.

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