
Wednesday, June 13, 2018

HTTYD2 Fourth Year Anniversary!

Well, it's been four years since HTTYD2 released! I'm gonna celebrate it by watching the movie this evening! I'll post a few pictures of the "private screening" as well... and once I finish the film, I'll come back to more fully edit this post (explaining the few other things I did today to celebrate). Ok... bracing myself to cry.

Monday, June 11, 2018

HTTYD3 Spoiler Policy

Ok, so after seeing/reading TONS of info that Dean or the other creators of the film have been giving us in interviews, I think I may need to start avoiding spoilers. I really do LOVE talking about the third film and speculating what will happen, but I also don't want to be able to predict it completely. I still want to be shocked and moved when I go, so here is my spoiler policy for the blog.

I intend to read no more interviews by the director or other staff unless I deem it absolutely necessary. I will soley be discussing what we get in trailers. I will also probably not watch straight clips from the film, as I feel those spoil the moment.

Please do refrain from commenting on the blog in a way that discusses what is being said in the interviews, or what leaks from the upcoming film festivals (that will be showing a full 20 min of footage). I do want to keep posting, but I don't want to ruin the film.

So, what this means is, I'm basically gonna be blogging blind. I'll be watching the few trailers we get and trying to analyze them... and I'll probably be wrong, and many of you will probably know it! Please just mercifully spare me in the comments, and don't correct me unless you are doing so using footage from a trailer, not info from Dean!

Haha... so, yeah, this is gonna be kinda lame because it will certainly inhibit the quality of my posts as the film approaches, but I think the experience of watching HTTYD3 in theaters will be worth it in the end.

So, you guys remember how Thanos demanded our silence, well... now it's Toothless doing it. And, by what we see in the trailer, I'd say we shouldn't ignore him if we wanna avoid a lightning bolt XD

Random Gif

Haha, so... I made a gif today! I still have lots of posts that I wanna make, but this was just too tempting. Full disclosure: I saw someone else using this gif to have Stan pointing at Levi (a character from Attack on Titan), so the idea is certainly not original to me. That being said, I think Toothless might be more beautiful than Levi :)

Saturday, June 9, 2018

Thoughts on the new TRAILER (part 2)

Ok, I have time to continue discussing the trailer! Also, AWN recently had an interview with Dean, and he revealed more about the narrative role of the Light Fury. I plan to write a full post very soon about what appears to be the central theme of this film... and why I was extremely worried about it the night before the trailer dropped. However, in this post, I just want to continue reacting to what we were shown in the first trailer!

Well, isn't this SHOCKING

Ok, I do plan on discussing the second half of the trailer in bulk (like what I did with the first half), but before I do that, I want to tackle this whole Toothless-Lightning-thing! I've never really tried to have a solid, scientific theory on the blue Alpha glow we saw in the second movie. I always thought it was just cool looking... but kinda unrealistic. Now I am going to try and offer an explanation on both that and the electrifying scene we witnessed in the trailer. Granted, this will only be a theory. After all, I haven't seen the third film yet!

Thursday, June 7, 2018

Dean DeBlois talks about the third film

Ok, so I am just lifting this info straight from the Grapevine. I haven't been able to really make any commentary on it, but I wanted to post it here all the same! Really exciting stuff! He's such a fantastic director... I'm really hoping this last film will be utterly amazing! So, if you want to read Dean discussing his film, click the "read more"

Thoughts on the new TRAILER (part 1)

So, the trailer dropped this morning, and it was NUTS. I'm gonna try and go into it in some detail below the "read more".

Tuesday, June 5, 2018

New Images for HTTYD3!

I am losing my tiny little MIND. I've had to spend all day concealing my ballistic excitement as I worked in the lab and took a final exam, but now I'm finally gonna get to discuss these images! We have gotten several gorgeous shots of the third and final HTTYD story, so if you want to see my thoughts on them, click the "read more"