
Thursday, January 31, 2019

Watching (sobbing) through the Second Film... the Last Time Before We See The End

Whew, well... I tackled the second movie this evening! Gosh, it's basically just one day until seeing the third one! I knew this day would come eventually, just not so soon! I don't feel ready! I've made notes while watching through the second film, but they probably aren't as thoughtful as the ones I made for the first one (because I was crying too much, tbh!!). If you'd like to see my thoughts, click the "read more".

Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Watching The First Film... The Last Time Before I See The End

Well, I just finished watching the first film! I jotted down a few of my thoughts and reactions that I had during that watch-through. If you wanna see me be sappy, click the read more!

Saturday, January 26, 2019


Well, it's just one week now until I will have seen HTTYD3 (roughly to the hour)! It's so crazy to think that the sequel is so close. I've had a much weirder ride building up to it. For one, I spent the entirety of last year so miserable and stressed out by my job/boss that I hardly had time to focus on fandom stuff... so the third movie has kinda snuck up on me! On the other hand, we got a lot of news dumped on us that had a bunch of fans arguing over whether it was good or bad (especially the Light Fury). Unlike waiting for the second film, I wasn't really concerned at all waiting for this one. I feel like a part of that is because I saw how well Dean handled Hiccup's development and the story as a whole in the second film, and I trusted him to do it again. Plus, I'd heard the reactions of people like Cressida Cowell and Steven Spielberg, and they both said they loved the film.

So, yeah, I'm gonna watch HTTYD, GotNF, and HTTYD2 this week in anticipation of Saturday. It's a really surreal feeling... drawing this close to the end. I'm both excited and kinda sad! It is going to be the end of an era. It will be the last time we wait in eager anticipation for our heroes to soar onto a theater screen. It will be the last time we sit down not knowing how the story will end. It's the final step in this epic tale that has shaped me so deeply as a person, and I am a little scared to take it.

That being said, I think I've made my position clear on being happy that the story will be given genuine closure and not be dragged out in horrendous style like other animated franchises have been. It may be the end of one ear, but it will be the beginning of a different one. It will be the start of being a nerd of a franchise that has immortalized itself as a classic and an icon. It won't be the same, but there will still be this immense joy of having witnessed every last moment of this amazing story. It will be so satisfying to place the HTTYD trilogy on a shelf and proudly look back at it years from now and say: There were dragons when I was a boy.

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

HTTYD3 Funko Pop Review

Well, I picked up my favorite Funko Pops to date (Although that Roy Mustang Pop gives the Light Fury a run for her money!)! I'm gonna take a bunch of pics and give a few comments on these guys. If you are interested, click the "read more".

Thursday, January 17, 2019

The Dragon in Amestris

So, this is somewhat random, but Inhonoredglory and Toothlesslove have shared some Fullmetal Alchemist/HTTYD crossover stories with me and I really like the concept! They recommended I write one, so I have put this small piece together. If you've seen Fullmetal Alchemist, this might be a fun read! If you've not finished it... it doesn't have any major spoilers, so it's pretty safe. 

Anyway, I hope you like it!

Monday, January 14, 2019


Go. Buy. Tickets. Now.

If you live in the US, you probably are somewhat on edge right now if you are an HTTYD fan. Lots of other people in the fandom who don't live here have gotten the chance to see the climactic final part of Hiccup and Toothless's story, but you are stuck waiting for MONTHS until the US release! I. feel like I'm missing the party, missing all the initial spazzing out and discussions and analysis!

Thankfully, we do get this one golden opportunity to see the third film 20 DAYS EARLY. That's right! After the second of February, I will have seen the movie, and this blog will no longer be an anti-spoiler zone (I'll still keep spoilers under a "read more" cause I know not everyone can make it)!! 

I'm so excited!! 

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Jan 1

Inhonoredglory and Toothlesslove made me a super cool daily calendar and gave it to me when we got to visit each other this last December! I've decided to post what the pages for each day are on my blog! I may do weekly summaries so as to avoid cluttering this space up too much, but each and every day is gonna be unique, and I'm really excited to see what each day holds! 

Looking forward to this new year! Man, HTTYD3 is so soon!!