
Monday, December 31, 2018

I Can't Afford to Lose You

I've had this quick painting floating around my laptop for months now, but I haven't posted it because the full image is kinda a big SPOILER for Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood. If you have seen the entire show, I'd be extremely happy for you to check out the full painting... it's probably my favorite moment in the show! If you haven't seen the finale, please don't spoil it for yourself!

Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Wandering the Unknown (Happy Birthday Inhonoredglory!)

Happy birthday, Inhonoredglory! I can't believe I'm sending you a gift after meeting you in person so recently! This art piece is a crossover between Over The Garden Wall and HTTYD. I've got a version without the birthday text if any of you reading the blog would like to have that (It's attached under the read more). I tried to emulate the style the show in this painting, and it was actually kinda tricky to do! I'll give a little commentary below.

Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Happy Snoggeletog!

Well, it's that time of year again! Merry Christmas, everyone! I had a great Christmas this year; it was awesome getting to be home and hang out with my family! I got a lot of nice gifts (and I think a few are on the way), so I'll show them to you in the post below. If you guys got anything fun and nerdy, please feel free to show them off as well!

Saturday, December 22, 2018

New Fullmetal Alchemist Funko Pops!

Well, I about had a heart attack when I saw these! FMAB is by no means a new fandom/franchise, but I only just recently got into it (last year... actually I've been loving this show over a year now!). It climbed the ranks of my favorite stories and now sits as my favorite television series! I had been wondering for an entire year why there were no Funko Pops for such an iconic series, and then just this week I checked online (while I was writing my favorite stories post), and I. Lost. My. Mind! I am so thrilled to finally have a Roy Funko Pop, and I decided to go for all of them since I like the series so much! I'm gonna review all of them on this post, so click the read more if you want to see more photos!

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Dsplash History: How the Gemwar Ended

Haha, well, this is my cop-out...

So, I really love the Dsplash story, but I don't think I can fully flesh it out and finish it. There are just a ton of events left, and what with grad school I have very limited time to devote to fandom stuff. I also do have an original story in the wings (that's been heavily inspired by my love for HTTYD and other stories on my top ten list, so I'm hoping the idea is at least half-way decent), so that makes it hard for me to devote time to a fan-fiction that probably breaks every copyright law in the universe!

That being said, I do want to write the last two Chronicles. If you've been following the story and want to see how it ends, this is my attempt to very roughly sketch out the events leading up to the finale. I will have at least two more Chronicles, and I plan to write them in full detail. If you want to know what happens between the last Chronicle I write and those last two, feel free to read this. Sorry for the low quality; hopefully the final chapters will be worth slogging through this plot dump ;)

Christmas Cookies

Our family made Christmas cookies a while back, and since some of the ones I made were nerdy, I thought I would post pictures of them here. It's nothing spectacular, but I'm trying to do as much blogging as I can during the break!! I made a Toothless, Sans, Corrin, and Roy Mustang... and I didn't eat any of them!

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

My Top 15 Favorite Stories (2018 version!)

Well, another year has passed and I've fallen for some new stories! I want to post my current list of top favorites, and I'd be really interested to see any of your lists as well! Some of this will obviously be repeats from my previous post... but there are few fun changes!

Monday, December 17, 2018

Smash Ultimate Is Out!

I've been playing Smash Ultimate ever since it was released on December 7th, and I thought it might be fun to play any of you who keep up with the blog! I'm gonna post my friend code here, so please feel free to send me a request. You may want to comment on this blog page to let me know... because I don't accept every friend request I get.

My code is: SW-2399-9692-9975

I main Corrin, but I also like to occasionally use other Fire Emblem characters as well as Dark Samus and Ridley!

I got to meet Inhonoredglory and Toothlesslove!

Well this weekend was very special and very exciting! I got to meet my two of my oldest and best friends in person for the first time! After meeting online back in 2013 (if I remember correctly XD), we've been in pretty constant contact and have all three become really close, but this was our first time to actually meet face to face!