Hey everyone! Just wanted to pop in and show off a goofy project I did yesterday evening! So I've recently picked back up an old, old board game that I used to absolutely love. It's called HeroScape, and this post will kinda talk about it and how it impacted me as a kid!
So, Hasbro released HeroScape back in 2004. I imagine I got my first kit late that year... so I would have been 11 and my younger brother was 6! We played the game constantly for at least two years and then on and off until late 2010 (after which it got packed up and hasn't seen the light of day). So that's a six year period where this game was at least sort of at the back of my mind.
The game itself features a large battlefield that you can build and customize. Then you put little figures on the board and move them around to battle. The figures come from all sorts of genres. You have elves, orcs, robots, romans, aliens, giants, valkyrie, and, of cours... Dragons! I had sort of been toying with the Dsplash idea before meeting this game, but after coming into contact with it the Dsplash world really solidified for me and I clearly took cues from the lore of this boardgame.
Anyway, I actually pulled it out the game and played it again over the weekend. Ironically Dsplash is what reminded me of it! Because I made a swampy map and recalled that back in the day it was populated by these skeletal aliens called Marro from HeroScape. So then after putting a bunch of HeroScape figures into Dsplash, Dsplash brought me back to the game that inspired it.
These are the two maps I played this weekend! So that's what it looks like. It was tons of fun (even if I lost every round to my brother... boo!).
I also have made a custom Toothless card. I found one that someone else had made, but I wanted to get my hands on it and make it more interesting. I have tried to be balanced in making him (basically made him a clone of another card named Zelrig), so who knows... maybe I'll put Toothless on this map in the coming weeks! (Heh... yeah, and I kinda overtly skewed Toothless to work well with dragons because I always put dragons on my team...) Ha, anyway, it was definitely a blast to pull it back out. The weird plastic smell made me feel 11 again... so strange!